kingshow hair extension


How Much of China’s Hair Extensions Are Used Domestically?
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Aug 05, 2024

China is a major producer in the global hair extension market, manufacturing a significant volume of hair products each year. These extensions not only meet international demand but also hold an important share of the domestic market. According to market research, approximately 30% to 40% of Chinese-made hair extensions are used domestically, highlighting the significant demand within the domestic market.

Domestic Market Demand

Drivers of Consumption

The widespread use of hair extensions in the domestic market is driven by several factors:

The performance of the hair extension market also reflects strong domestic demand. For instance, at the 2023 Beijing International Beauty Expo, renowned hair extension brands showcased their latest products and designs. The expo data revealed that approximately 35% of the hair extensions sold during the event were purchased by domestic consumers, indicating a strong demand for high-quality hair products. Additionally, the total annual market value of hair extensions in China, including both domestic and international sales, has reached 20 billion RMB (equals to about 2.8 billion USD), with 6 to 8 billion RMB of this amount attributed to domestic sales. This further demonstrates the market’s robust performance and growth potential.

In summary, the demand for Chinese-made hair extensions in the domestic market is growing steadily. As consumer acceptance of hair extensions increases and the beauty industry continues to develop, the market is expected to keep expanding, providing rich opportunities for manufacturers and injecting new momentum into the industry.